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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Image Dump

Stanislav Odyagailo

Here we are at the end of another month and for some the end of another summer. For me the demarcations of the calendar usually means a link dump of those topics I did not get to during the past 30ish days or a image dump of pictures and art I have archived but not placed with any text. Today is one of those visual days. I will offer explainations where I am able. The first image above is simply a bizarre remnant of my long gone penguin days and, of course, an ode to the end of summer.

I just never found the words to go with this image but I do suggest not falling asleep in this situation.

This comes from a file called 'bizarre chewing gum sculptures' I think that says it all.

Here we have one of those color enhanced photos from NASA, but whenever I see this one I am reminded of Nanci Griffith singing Once in a Very Blue Moon.

Its not just anyone who can wear a bow tie.

Well this would be me during the recent Boyz Poker Outing in Las Vegas, taken by Mike at the new Chihuly gallery in the also new City Center.

and finally, well I just don't know . . . Emu Date Night?

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tim's Dilemma

Actually the dilemma depicted above is not mine, well not exactly depending on the interpretation in the eye of the bolder beholder. Whilst surfin' about for some images of dilemma for another article, I happened upon this image, titled Tim's Dilemma. If you are intrigued, I suggest a larger version, as they say the devil is in the details. The image comes from the website of the Modernism gallery here in San Francisco, I will be there next week for a look see. The artist of Tim's Dilemma is Arsen Roje. A bit more surfin' found his exhibit titled Body Parts, which could better have been called hands or better yet fingers. The link is to a short video tour of that installation, a truly different sort of digital experience.

The Modernism gallery has been around for over thirty years and thinking back I remember seeing a Robert Crumb show there in the 90s.
Robert Crumb - Vulnerable Goddess (1990)

Michael Dweck (2002)

Mark Stock (1993)

Rowland Scherman

Me thinks I shall do a bit more pondering on the nature of my current dilemma, whatever that might be.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Friends and Fellow Travelers

A friend, an olde friend sent me this image and said that it reminded him of me. Somewhere in storage or in another friend's home there is a white Balinese mask very similar to that image. We were in the workshop/gallery of a gifted mask-maker in Ubud, Bali. Mask were being tried on, laughter was awash but respect was being shown to a true craftsman. I put on the white mask in a back hallway and leaned out into the main room just my head emmasked. For a moment there was complete silence and then everyone came towards me, I had evidently found my one true mask. I need to get it out again, wonder where it rests?

But today's post is not about me or images of me. Today's post is about friends and how I speak of friends in this blog. Long time readers know that I tend to begin a tale with -- "a friend told me the other day" or I write about friends as examples of all things good and not so. Friends who make me happy and those that make me sad or baffle me are blog fodder. There are even a couple of very close friends I never write about either because they are just too private and I don't want to intrude or I have ever so lightly referenced them in the past and received less than warm returns via critique.

Recently a post got three responses that basically said -- "Did you mean me?"

So new rule. In the future when I use the term friend I will send said friend an email disclosing their appearance, no matter how veiled, in this here blog. No email, it ain't you.

Now I must go, there are some towering grey clouds hanging low over San Francisco Bay. The sun has been transformed into a viewable disk as it sinks into the greyness. I am going to sit and watch as light and dark struggle. Which I wonder shall prevail?

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

32 tatuagens orientais de Marcio Tattoo

Marcio Tattoo

Endereço: Marcondes Salgado, 1134 sl 03, Centro Ribeirão Preto SP
Fone: 16-3636 2810
Atendimento: Segunda a Sexta 14:00 as 20:00, Sábado  13:00 as 16:00

Conversation with God

For those younger or straighter or way over there on the right, above is a Terry Gilliam (Monty Python) image of the supreme being. Didn't want to get anyone confused early on today. You should select your own imagery for the personage of god or God for today's discussion.

Back at the end of June, I did a link dump and one of the items I tossed out was a Conversation with God. Some of you read it, many did not. The article contains an interesting and perhaps off-beat reflection on who or what the deity is or might be. I do recommend the article, I can wait here if you would like to read it now.

No really, I can wait.

O.K. maybe later, shall we continue. I would like to discuss just one aspect of the thesis put forward in the Conversation with God. This comes about mid-way in the conversation, when the human ask about prophets:

[man] ‘OK, so what about our more famous "prophets"; Jesus of Nazareth, Moses, Mohammed…’

[god] ‘hmmm… sadly misguided I’m afraid.  I am not here to act as a safety net or ethical dictator for evolving species. It is true that anyone capable of communicating with their own cells will dimly perceive a connection to me – and all other objects in this universe - through the quantum foam, but interpreting that vision as representing something supernatural and requiring obeisance is somewhat wide of the mark.  And their followers are all a bit too obsessive and religious for my liking. It's no fun being worshipped once you stop being an adolescent teenager. Having said that, it's not at all unusual for developing species to go through that phase. Until they begin to grasp how much they too can shape their small corner of the universe, they are in understandable awe of an individual dimly but correctly perceived to be responsible for the creation of the whole of that universe. Eventually, if they are to have any hope of attaining level two, they must grow out of it and begin to accept their own power and potential. It's very akin to a child’s relationship with its parents. The awe and worship must disappear before the child can become an adult. Respect is not so bad as long as it's not overdone. And I certainly respect all those species who make it that far. It’s a hard slog. I know. I've been there.’

I know a couple of references in there, like 'level two', require a second reading of the article but what impressed me most was not the rather simply idea that religions as we know them are immature expressions of basic human thought but more importantly that we have available to us now the resources to move beyond our philosophical adolescence. The "quantum foam" as he calls it. We or rather the religious believers of our species simply put the wrong labels on all of this. These labels have the singular quality of diminishing the potential of the human race. Baseball players point to the sky god when they cross home plate, but not when they strike out. Every success in life is attributed to god's will or his mercy but failure -- well that's our fault for not seeing his divine plan.

It, the big It, the great answer, what it really is all about doesn't come down to any "One Thing." However, recognizing who we are and not fobbing our potential off on the divine kindness of some mythical entity would be a good place to start.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Micael Tattoo

Micael Tattoo Studio

Qualidade e Atendimento em Tatuagens desde 1997

Ambiente de acordo com normas da Vigilância Sanitária (CVS12), respeitamos as regras estabelecidas pelas instituições de saúde, técnicas de lavagem de mãos, uso correto de luvas de procedimentos, isolamento completo com filme de PVC de todos os materiais não esterilizáveis, as agulhas e hastes pré-esterilizadas e envelopadas individualmente são descartadas completamente sem qualquer tipo de reaproveitamento após seu uso, as biqueiras são esterilizadas previamente em produto químico específico e depois em autoclave testada semanalmente através de indicador biológico, embaladas e seladas em envelopes individuais, garantindo assim nenhum risco de propagação de doenças como Aids e Hepatite C.

Fazemos reforma e coberturas de tatuagens antigas e mal feitas, devolvendo sua vaidade e auto-estima tomadas pelo desenho errado feito no local impróprio.

Utilizamos somente tintas e materiais de primeira linha, para que sua tatuagem tenha uma vida longa e seja motivo de orgulho para você durante muitos anos.

Micael Faccio trabalha com tatuagens há mais de dez anos, estudou no Liceu de Artes e Ofícios de São Paulo e no Instituto de Artes Unesp. Apesar de passear entre vários estilos de tatuagem, como os neotribais, orientais e etc, prefere não se rotular por nenhum deles, seu maior interesse é o aprendizado e extrapolação das técnicas de desenho e comunicação visual em si mesmas.

Cláudia Ferreira tatua desde 2007, e tem preferência por desenhos florais e femininos com influência do estilo Art Noveau e Tradicional.

Os piercings e body mods ficam por conta de Paulo Vasconcellos, profissional com mais de dez anos de experiência em perfurações e escarificação.

A equipe Micael Tattoo trabalha com atendimento personalizado, pensando sempre em lhe proporcionar a melhor experiência em sua modificação corporal, respeitando e procurando adaptar técnicamente da melhor maneira o que você imagina ter em seu corpo.

Estamos localizados na Rua dos Ingleses, 649 primeiro andar, esquina com Av. Brigadeiro Luís Antônio, a 3 quadras da Av. Paulista e do Metrô Brigadeiro.

Atendemos Segunda a Sábado das 10 as 19.
Ligue e Agende seu horário

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