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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Zizo Stolasky, Tuareg Tattoo Shop

Olá! Meu nome é Zizo Stolasky. Tenho um studio de Tatuagem em Boituva chamado Tuareg Tattoo Shop.

Encontrei o site de vocês na Internet e achei legal, parabéns pelo trabalho. Estou enviando algumas fotos dos meus trabalhos. Obrigado pela oportunidade

Tuareg Tattoo Shop
Endereço: Rua Guilherme Primo, N º57, centro, Boituva - SP
Telefone: (015)

Travelin' October

"Just before the death of flowers,

And before they are buried in snow,
There comes a festival season
When nature is all aglow."

I haven't seen a really good fall color display in four or five years. So I am looking forward to October. I will be heading out this weekend for parts north and east and midwest. My travels should take be through parts of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio.

I don't have how, when or why of the return trip yet. I don't actually know if there is going to be a return trip and if there is.... a return to where?

But for now I am anticipating the travel and the changes of scenery. While I will keep working on the Matusow screenplay, I am also going to be outlining more chapters of my travel monolog centered on the quest to rediscovery magic. I have light-heartedly referred to this work as a cross between Robert Pirsig and Douglas Adams. I do owe the mobile nature of my project to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance and while my style may not be as flippant as the Hitchhiker's Guide; I do take a more conversational tone in this work. Although the topics of the dialog do vary a bit wildly from place to place.

I supposed I could do an synopsis or perhaps an excerpt from Magical Meandering (working title) here. I shall ponder that potentiality. In the meantime, the road beckons. All my bags aren't packed but that doesn't mean I am not ready to go.
photo credit:

Rafael Nigris, Tattooarte

Me chamo Rafael Nigris, tenho 26 anos e sou tatuador. Me chamam de Rafiusk aqui em minha cidade. Moro em Rio das Ostras - RJ e tenho um estúdio no centro da cidade chamado TATTOOARTE, trabalho com meu sócio que também é tatuador. Estou nessa marivilhosa arte há 4 anos e antes estudava pintura clássica na casa de cultura de minha cidade.

Gosto de fazer meus próprios desenhos e já tenho algumas séries. Participarei de minha primeira convenção em março de 2010 no Rio, onde competirei com séries de desenhos, tatuagens orientais, new school, old, preto e cinza e comics. Gosto de trabalhar com todos os estilos e dou muito valor à Biossegurança em meu estúdio.

Estou me formando em Biologia e vou fazer pós em biossegurança. Agradeço a força que o A TATTOO da aos tatuadores e obrigado por deixar fazer parte do site de vocês.

Tatuadores: Rafiusk Tattoo e Pézão Tattoo
Body Piercing: Rafael Caboca
Secretário: Geléia
Endereço: Rua Drº Raul de Oliveira Rodrigues, nº 74, Centro Rio das Ostras - RJ
Shopping Portal - sala 105

Monday, September 28, 2009

Whether Fall Weather

No time for a summer friend

No time for the love you send
Seasons change and so do I
You need not wonder why
. . . Guess Who

Seasons change at different times for all of us. Geography makes
a difference, other times it's our own internal clock. Here in north
central California where I have been hanging out we have been
hitting 90 degrees nearly every day and even though it cools off
into the 40s at night, it still has not felt like fall, no matter what
the calendar or equinox says. Today as promised we just reached
80 and tomorrow the prediction is for a high of barely 60.
Overnight Tuesday could even bring the first frost. The slightly
higher elevations on Mt. Shasta will definitely be freezing as
soon as tonight.

Fall has locally arrived. I checked the national weather for my
northern route across the U.S. and found this headline: "Fall
Blows In Nationwide." It appears to be getting very close to
my time to wander on. Distant roads are calling me.

Interesting today has also been windy. I didn't have to close the
house up against the heat, so the wind snapping through the high
pines has been a foregrounded presence all day. It's just warm
enough today to put some electricity in the air. A good day for
domestic disputes and the ruby throated avians have been
chasing each other away from the feeder most of the afternoon.

I was having some problems with my writing, so a took a walk
and got in touch with the changing atmosphere. Its unsettled, a
bit hyper and twitchy jumpy. So when I got back I shifted to
working on several of the meth scenes in the Check Raising the
Devil screenplay. Gotta go with what the elementals give you.
Amy will probably have to round off some of the barbs in what
I create today, but she has lots of experience leveling out my
writing. You should have read the sex scenes from the book
before she got to them!

An edgy, high-strung, restless day calls for a long, slow, mellow
evening, I have the perfect plan. Therewill be a hot tub, perhaps
a cocktail and even some natural enhancements.

A solitary salute to autumn.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Raphael Malveira, Alex Kidd, 169

Sempre visito o site e gostaria que postasse minha tattoo, eternizando um dos melhores jogos de 8 bits da década de 80... Alex Kidd!

Estou já fazendo meu desenho para fechar o braço com Caverna do Dragão.
Agradeço a atenção."


Milton Sartorelli, Evolution Tattoo Studio

Meu nome é Milton Sartorelli, tatuo há uns 22 anos, tenho meu estúdio de tatuagem há 10 anos de nome Evolution Tattoo Studio. Gosto de todos os estilos de tatuagens, de preferência orientais e preto e branco.

Evolution Tattoo Studio
Endereço: Rua Fernando Costa, N º 36, centro, Boituva - SP
Telefone: (015) 3363-1075

Danieli Pagano, Borboleta, Fada e Rosas, 168

"Olá, me chamo Danieli tenho 26 anos e tenho duas tatuagens maravilhosa que significam demais para mim, uma é no pé e a outra é nas costas, e ambas possuem rosas e borboletas. Elas significam minha transformação, ou seja, as borboletas significam algo saindo de um casulo, uma coisa feia e se transformando em algo belo maravilhoso e as rosas, o surgimento da beleza, algo florescendo, pois eu tinha 140 kg há dois anos e meio atrás, passei por uma cirurgia de redução de estomago e eliminei 65 kg. É através das minhas tattoos que simbolizei minha transformação, pois eu era algo feio, sem vida, escondida e hoje sou bela, criei vida; minha vida floresceu. Foi através de um grande profissional que conheci e me ajudou a realizar esse sonho de ter essas tatoos, inclusive a fada também, que simboliza a beleza para mim.

Danieli Pagano

O reponsável por essas obras sensacionais, que amo demais chama-se Robson, conhecido por Rob. Ele trabalha no estúdio na região da zona leste, na Ponte Rasa, Avenida São Miguel, n° 4678, o estúdio chama "Eduart's Tattoo e Piercing", lá trabalha o Eduardo e o Rob, mas quem fez minhas belas tattoos foi o Rob, inclusive a das costas ainda não está pronta, está em andamento. Desde já agradeço a atenção de vocês e espero que sejam divulgadas as minhas tatoos e minha história. Grata."

Meditations on Death & Dying

Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
. . . Dylan Thomas

Brave, powerful, encouraging words from Mr. Thomas. But in an expression of today: "Not so much." It would appear that the healthy, the living and the fearful are those who rage against death. Perhaps a reflection of survivors guilt or a sentiment for those taken too young. At the end of a long and fulfilling life, most individuals are long past raging. Acceptance of death is not a failure nor a surrender, unless it is a surrender to life in all its facets.

No, I am not ill; nor is anyone close to me. Always good to get that out there when communicating into the false fury of the internet. However, several of my friends have lost revered and loved relatives recently and several more have a failing uncle, sibling or parents. It would seem that part of my path this fall is to be flecked with others departures. Lessons learned must first be lessons acknowledged.

I may change my travel plans to provide some moral and logistical support in the midst of this wave of mortality. More and more I am blessed by the flexibility of my chosen lifestyle. I can write from anywhere and apparently am capable of adapting to casual chance and haphazard happenstance. Not qualities a hibernating bear is usually known for. But I am not too old to learn new behaviors in the midst of mortality.

Note to several of my readers. I do understand the requests for more concrete facts in my blog posts of late. Perhaps ambiguity is your lesson for this fall. Thanks for reading, I appreciate the comments, even when I do not act on them.
photo/art credit: Evening Light: Seasalter

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Marcio Freitas, Alta Volta Tattoo & Piercing

Marcio Freitas (Finho) uns dos fundadores do Estúdio Alta Volta Tattoo & Piercing localizado no Rio de janeiro - Tijuca. Estudante de Belas Artes da UFRJ no qual têm influênicas dos mestres (Anfonse Musha, Gaudi) Art Noveou (Monet, Degas) Impressionismo entre outros como Simon Bizley... Venho por meio desta divulgar meus trabalhos neste conceituado site, abraços e sucesso.

Alta Volta Tattoo & Piercing

Rua: Haddock Lobo 200, Lj J - Tijuca, Rio de janeiro
Telefones: 55 - 21 - 2264-2970 / 8428-4570

Friday, September 25, 2009


Apophenia is the tendency to see connections where none exist. At least that is the definition from one side of the chasm. Science holds that observation that is not done within the parameters of the scientific method is anecdotal, not replicable and therefore subjective and unscientific. There argument goes that humans will by our nature seek to make order out of chaos and at times we find signs and images that do not exist, but we use them to support a theory or belief. Seeing Jesus in a tortilla is a prime humorous example. Unless you are a believer, in which case I have just committed blasphemy. Technically, the seeing of images or the hearing of sounds where none seem to exist is called pareidolia.

Now this is where it gets complicated or where science loses its way, once again, in attempting to explain the human condition with numbers and arrows. Originally, apophenia was used to describe the distortion of reality that is found in some psychosis. Included in such diagnostic groupings are autistic savants. Such individuals clearly do hear and do see aspects of reality that normal "sane" persons do not. Yet we know via scientific observation that these gifted individuals are in fact interpreting reality through sensory inputs that are real enough to them to show skills and talents far in advance of what any "ordinary" person can achieve.

So there's the rub. Some want to classify and categorize certainly levels of insight into the structure of reality as insane or abnormal. Yet at the same time we clearly observe evidence of certain individuals who see well beyond what is considered normal. So how is it that only those savants, who by definition have psychological problems in one or more aspects of their life. How is it that they can have such superhuman insights but the same capabilities are denied to healthy, stable individuals?

Apophenia is, as are many other clinical diagnoses, fraught with the demands of science for conformity and classification. Just because you see something that others do not, does not make you crazy, nor does it mean you did not see what you saw. Life is in the eye and the perception of each individual beholder.

And why did apophenia come up in today's blog? Well because I have for a couple of months now been attempting to pay very close attention to insights and information I may be receiving from all sources; scientific and otherwise. In fact, particularly the otherwise. Yet my rationally trained mind wants to already always apply the tenets of scientific discourse to what I see, hear, touch, taste and feel. Wouldn't want a phantom or a mirage to take me down the right path; now would I?
photo credit: Georgia O'Keefe "Ice Cave"