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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Monori Tattoo, Porto Alegre

Monori Tattoo
Endereço: Rua Dos Andradas, 1664, Sl 508, centro, Porto Alegre-RS.
Telefone: (051) 3225-3733, 9213-8432

Mr. Playboy

[Literature, Biography, Reading, and some bunnies]

I just finished reading Mr. Playboy, the biography of Hugh Hefner. I can't quite explain my recent interest in Hefner and the Playboy enterprise. Regular readers know I really like the Girls Next Door but this read did remind me of a few things.

First, biographies are not my favorite form of literature. I enjoy them much more when they are of still living or only recently demised central characters. Otherwise, they begin to quickly become fiction based on the prejudices of the biographer. This one is already partly that way because the writer states right up front that although Hefner fully participated, the conclusions were the authors and the subject did not agree with all of the interpretations made.

I guess that is the nature of a biography, we surely don't want the subject to provide the social or political context of their own life. But in this case, I really wanted to know when Hefer disagree with the grand social contexting the author provides.

Like so many others, I have not seen a Playboy is decades. I found the analysis of how Playboy moved in and out of the cultural mainstream to be reasonable. I had forgotten the Reagan administrations attacks on pornography (The Meese Report) and I only peripherally remembered the other high and low points of Hefner's life, which mirrored almost exactly the corporate life of Playboy Enterprises.

My primary critique of the book is simply that it is an academic biography. Steven Watt, the author, is a history professor who has written to previous biographies on Henry Ford and Walt Disney. The style is not dry but equally not engaging. I should be tempted to read the Disney work but the thought of plying my way through another 500 pages of Mr. Watt's speculation is numbing. 

There is another, more ambitious Hefner book out there, I would give you the alluring details, but I think I had better pitch it to Mr. Playboy first lest someone steal my notion.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oitava Expo Tattoo Niterói 2009

Dia 10 de maio comemora-se oito anos de história e reconhecimento dos tatuadores e público carioca da Expo Tattoo Niterói. A organização da convenção, cada vez mais experiente, proporciona o que há de melhor em tatuagem à cidade de Niterói. Confira as informações abaixo e fique por dentro da Expo Tattoo Niterói 2009. Três dias de muita tatuagem piercing, entretenimento, moda, gastronomia, cultura e lazer.

Data: 12,13 e 14 de Junho de 2009
Local: Canto do Rio, avenida Visconde do Rio Branco, 701 Niterói
Ingresso: R$ 10,00
Telefone: 21 2710-0072 ou 21 7865-2042
Abertura e encerramento: 13:00hs às 22:00hs
Hotéis:Niterói Palace, Niterói Plaza

Categorias do Concurso de Melhores Tatuagens

1) Melhor Série de Desenho
2) Melhor Tatuagem Colorida
3) Melhor Tatuagem Feminina
4) Melhor Tatuagem nas Costas
5) Melhor Tatuagem New School
6) Melhor Tatuagem Custom
7) Melhor Tatuagem Oriental
8) Melhor Tatuagem Tribal Maori
9) Melhor Tatuagem Preto e Cinza
10) Melhor Tatuagem Realismo
11) Melhor Tatuagem Portrait
12) Melhor Tatuagem Braço (100% tatuado)
13) Melhor Tatuagem Cartoon
14) Melhor Tatuagem Caricatura
15) Melhor Tatuagem Free Hand
16) Melhor Tatuagem Feita no Evento

- Premiações para 1º e 2º lugar, tatuador e tatuado.
- Todos os tatuadores do stand podem competir na mesma categoria.
- Cada tatuagem só competirá em uma categoria.
- As séries de desenhos devem ser próprias e conter ao menos 8 folhas A3 originais, as criações podem ser de 2008 e 2009.


Stands para estúdios
Preço: R$ 900,00 (até 30 de abril R$800,00)
R$300 (abril) + R$250 (maio) + R$250 (até dia 1 de junho)

Stands para venda de materiais e equipamentos
Preço: R$ 1.100,00 (até 30 de ABRIL R$ 1.000,00)
R$400 + R$300 (maio) + R$300 (até dia 1 de junho)

- Alimentação e Stands de Moda 2x2m - R$500,00
- Piso Marcado 2x2 (ala 1) área de vendas e moda: R$ 300,00
- Pagamento 1 + 2 xs depósito bancário ou cartão de crédito
- Pavilhão 1: Praça de Alimentação, Vendas, Roupas e Moda
- Pavilhão 2: Tatuagens e Vendas de Equipamentos para Tatuagem

Planta da Convenção

Expo Tattoo Niterói 7, Expo Tattoo Niterói 6 (vídeo 1), Expo Tattoo Niterói 6 (vídeo 2)

Oficina de Desenhos André Rodrigues, Realismo e Cartoon

As oficinas de desenhos com o tatuador André Rodrigues recomeçam em 19 de maio, data de retorno do tatuador ao Brasil. Programe-se.

Dias 19,20 e 21 de maio: realismo e cartoon - etapa 1
Dias 25,26 e 27 de maio: realismo e cartoon - etapa 2

Contatos e reservas
Telefone: 11-3051-3806

Monday, April 27, 2009

Segunda Pele Tattoo

Segunda Pele Tattoo

O Sleeve Tattoo já citado anteriormente no blog devido ao sucesso nos Estados Unidos e Europa chega ao Brasil. Conheça agora o Tattoo 2ª Pele nosso mais novo parceiro.

Tatuagem de vestir - Tattoo 2ª Pele - a solução para quem gostaria de ter uma tatuagem e por algum motivo sente-se privado deste gosto. Um novo produto que permite que você tenha sua tattoo em instantes, sem dor, confortáveis, com desenhos de tatuagens em diversos temas old school, new school, orientais, coloridos, caveiras, celtas, tribais, entre outros, você veste nos braços ou pernas, dando a impressão que está totalmente tatuado. Se você está em dúvida a cerca de tatuagem, essa é sua oportunidade de sentir-se um verdadeiro cultuador da BodyArt.

Como adquirir:

Distribuidor: Alexandre Hesse
Telefone: (13) 8135-2013

WSOP: World Swine of Poker

[Poker, Swine Flu, World Series of Poker]

World Series of Pigs? World Swine of Poker?

If you have never been to the World Series of Poker at the Rio in Las Vegas, here is a fact you might want to consider this year. People get sick. Long hours of playing poker, not sleeping, eating poorly, drinking more than normal, lots of late night distractions. Sleep, when you get it interrupted by housekeeping staffs and tournament schedules. Add to that the cards and chips that move from player to player at break neck speed and players who are sick, incubating or carriers and well...

"The Amazon Room at the World Series of Poker is the perfect storm for a swine flu outbreak."

On some level there is always the "poker room crud" or the "tournament wheezes" that break out at any big tournament series. Put that many players and staff together for that long a time and someone gets ill and passes it on. Transmission is just too easy at the poker table. Then suppress the normal immune systems of many players by running a six week long series in Las Vegas with all of its "other temptations" and well you see where I am going with this.

But generally speaking people disappear for a few days and hole up their rooms, ordering ginger ale from room service. This year could be different. They are canceling nearly all public events in Mexico to try and stave off the epidemic, pandemic spread of the Swine Flu.

Here's hoping.... blah, blah, blah.

I don't want to be an alarmist, but......

I just don't see Texas Dolly playing a final table wearing a paper mask.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Life Gets In the Way

[Content Disclosure: Illness, Life Interruptus, Stamina]

It wasn't a swarm of hornets, the swine flu or a drunk driver but merely a morsel or two of food but that was enough to remind me again how fragile a little creature we can be. I awoke in the middle of the night about sixty hours ago with a full blown case of food poisoning. I have not eaten now in 66 hours and have no immediate plans to end that fast. I should note to my perhaps not as frequent readers that I have an aversion to scatological references and deeply descriptive accounts of passing maladies. so you will be spared discomforting details but not personal reflections.

At first I thought it was the flu, probably because of the sound and fury on the news the last several days and secondly because when you wake very ill in the dark of night, you tend to focus on physical symptoms and not mental acuity. Besides being sick, I was also thinking in start-up mode with no peripherals connected. Friday and Saturday, I spent in bed. Sleep was on the top of all agendas, so I slept. The "no-details" interruptions of sleep were followed by cold towels and more sleep.

Today, I can type but I am guessing my wit, wisdom and insight are running without enough coolant. What I have noticed is how fortunate I am to have a life that I was able to simply go to bed. I wasn't going to be fired, no pressing corporate proposal was going to be derailed, no deadlines would be missed. I admire and pity those individuals who literally would have slugged through this illness by keeping up with their appointed rounds. Parents come to mind, particularly parents who are caring to kids who have the illness too. Small business owners--you don't go to work, the business doesn't open. I grew up in a family like that, I know my dad went to the store many times when he should have stayed in bed. I admit when I ran the business for several years after college that was the only job I have ever had where I would and did go in feeling like something nasty warmed over.

Now, well I am fortunate that when life gets in the way, I can pull a comforter up over my head and wait until the dark cloud moves on. Right now, I think I need a nap.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Rommenigge Tattoo, Maceió

Rommenigge tatua em Alagoas juntamente com Duda e Vitor (criação), e formam assim o Central Tattoo. Veja algumas tatuagens de Rommenigge Tattoo, entre elas: rosas, Jesus Cristo, frase, oriental, old School e estrela.

Central Tattoo
Telefones: 8825-5979 / 8886-0825
Endereço: Rua do Comércio, N° 679, Sala 11, Centro, Maceió. Em frente ao palácio dos Pães, galeria da loja Paranoid Metal Rock.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desenhos de letras Celtas, Alfabeto

Alfabeto em estilo Celta com representações de sereias, aves, peixes, felinos e cobras.